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We recognise the skill, dedication and passion it takes to write an academic paper. Regardless of your level of experience, whether you have just written your doctoral thesis or would like to contribute to an edited collection, our goal is to provide the support you need to gain visibility and reach your audience.

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Professional Advice

No matter the query, we are glad to assist you. Whether you require support with applications, research grants or other aspects of publishing, our expertise and experience enables us to dispense professional advice you can trust.

Quality Publishing

With their keen eye and meticulous attention to detail, our Production Department ensure that your book is printed and bound with quality and care.

Individual Guidance and Support

Our editors are there to guide you every step of the way. From choosing the publication format to ensuring that your work meets publication guidelines, your success is our priority.

Academic Visibility

We make sure that your research is widely disseminated, easily accessible and visible to the research community. From online library catalogues to research centres, our marketing strategies place your research in front of the right person at the right time.